Years ago I built a Boyce 1:396 Saturn 1B. Well, I used the nose cone from it, but the rest of the parts I wasn’t happy with, so I used my own and created waterslide decals instead of the paper peel and stick that came with it. I used half round plastruct for the tank tubes and plywood for the fins. The rocket has been a well flown favorite, and as it was assembled with epoxy has been a tank, even surviving some CATOs with no damage.
I decided it needed a big brother, the Saturn V. After getting the scale data for a Saturn V, I first created a similar 3D printed version of the 1B nose cone printed with 100% fill for weight that would fit in a Centuri/Semroc ST-7 tube, but then I decided to just make the whole top portion the nose cone and 3D printed. I did a 50% fill so the nose would have ample weight for stability. I sized it to fit an ST-10 Centuri/Semroc tube. For the fins and fairings I resized Scottdee’s BT-80 version to 40% and attached them with epoxy.
I’m fighting a little tuning on the print for the nose, I’m getting some undesirable layer banding, not going to reprint, a little sandable primer will resolve it. I’m going to create a body wrap for it.
It currently weighs 37 grams (1.3 ounces) without a motor mount.