Oops! Wrong shape for the nose cone. The nose I printed is an elliptical nose cone. The Enerjet cone is a spherically blunted ogive. Back to the 3D design board.
enerjet 1340 Clone Part 2
I connector I made was too loose, so I made a new without the raised lines. I think it’s a bit too tight. The 0.1 inch ring diameter is all too large. So either way, it’s a redo. Hopefully 3rd time is the proverbial charm. I also made a nose Continue Reading
Cineroc 1080P 3D Clone Rocket
First Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2xuipZyi8M Second Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=821tFCNPC48 Made a rocket for the Cineroc, flies on 24mm motors. 3D printed the following fin can upscaled to fit a BT-60. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3829871/files
enerjet 1340 Clone Part 1
Jack Hydrazine has created a 3D file for the enerjet fin can, this has made cloning the 1340 feasible. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3641770 The fin can has remained available in other kits, such as the Estes Eliminator for years, but even that has ended. The 1340’s outside tube diameter is the same as Continue Reading
Model Rocket Stands
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2264131 I printed these out, they are well done. There are 3 sizes, 29mm, 24mm, and 18mm. I printed with PLA, 50% infill, no supports, and standard quality.
A Tale of Two Renegades
Painted and decaled my Estes 1271 Astron Renegades. The red and black is a clone. The red, yellow, and black is a rehab of an eBay rescue of an original.
Fun Size Saturn V Part 3
I got all the little detail bits glued on. Now, just need to decided where to put the launch lug. Then she’s almost ready to fly.
Centuri Argus Flight
The Argus flew terrific. I went with the two parachute classic recovery.
Fun Size Saturn V Part 2
Made a lot of progress. The body wrap was a pain to apply, I should have applied it before gluing the fins on. Still need to install motor mount.
Fun Size Saturn V Part 1
Years ago I built a Boyce 1:396 Saturn 1B. Well, I used the nose cone from it, but the rest of the parts I wasn’t happy with, so I used my own and created waterslide decals instead of the paper peel and stick that came with it. I used half Continue Reading