Well, week ago Tuesday’s club build session inspired me.
Since then I finished the build of the Estes Olympus I started during the build session. Then…
Estes Hi-Flier XL (24mm)
Estes Mega Mosquito (24mm)
Estes Mosquito (13mm)
Estes Clipper (18mm 2 stage)
Estes Citation Patriot (18mm)
They are all ready for paint. Didn’t take time to take any build pics though.
Repaired a couple rockets with flight damage.
Finished a rocket I started years ago I call the Interceptor F. I was originally going to call it the Interceptor E, but then Estes came out with an Interceptor E. DOH! It was inspired by North Coast Rocketry’s 29mm Interceptor G. It’s scratch built, main tube is a BT-60 and it’s 24mm. The decals are upscaled and repurposed from the original Estes Interceptor. I printed the decals on clear vinyl sticker paper (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084DRZPRR?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1). First time I’ve used it for decals, coated with Krylon clear acrylic to seal the ink and then cut out and applied. I’m really happy with it.