Pershing 1A Estes Maxi-Brute Clone Part 9

As I got further into the assembly it became apparent it was going to be significantly heavier than I expected as it approached 500 grams, so I did switch gears on the engine mount. Luckily I was able to cut out the 24 mm mount without too much trouble and replace it with a 29mm mount. I didn’t go crazy with epoxy gluing the fins on, only one coat of paint, no primer. Came out 535 grams with the 29mm tor mount. I know if I had to do it again, the conduits and charge retainers would be balsa and card stock, and based on my experience with the TLP kit, making balsa fins was not that hard. I’d likely just print the nose cone, which really came out awesome, and call it a day.

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