Another project started long ago I finally brought to completion.
I like the old sci-fi style rockets, so I constructed an upscaled Centuri Quasar (KC-7) based on a BT-80 body and a 24mm engine mount. The ram jet intake and nozzels turned out to be pretty easy to make using Centuri style ST-7 and ST-5 tubing, ST-7 and ST-5 engine blocks, ST-5 balsa cones and some small card stock transitions.
I papered the fins for some added strength and for a smooth finish. The fins were epoxied on, for a little extra strength I drilled small holes in the body tube and the transition so the epoxy would form little rivets in the body to help adhere the fins.
It really needed the cockpit like it’s smaller Centuri cousin. In the attched images the smaller nose cone in the image is the Centuri plastic nose cone version with cockpit, and the larger is the PNC-80K with cockpit I added. I used cardstock and CA glue to make and attach the cockpit.
I decided to go with a paint scheme like the 1972 Centuri catalog.
It has already had a test flight painted in plain silver at our last club launch, it flew great, and no damage on landing.
Can’t wait to fly it again and take some pictures.